Tuesday, 13 March 2012


Received our new project brief last week. Three words:

With original designs by Francis Tempest and a feature length music video in our Vampish costumes directed by Gareth Corke to culminate, this project is sure to be good.

The fellow costume housemates & I started researching last night with a film, the incredibly dated, 'Interview With a Vampire'. Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, Antonio Banderas and a young Kirsten Dunst strut around the screen encapsulating everything 'horror'.

There is no doubt in my mind about the beauty of the costume and styling throughout this film. It shows so beautifully their progression through the eras as they live for hundreds of years. Although dated and tame in its horror values (simply not scary at all), 'Interview With a Vampire' gave great context into this realm and style I will have to recreate.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

What's it all about.

So, I've heard blogging is a good way to get yourself out there - let's see if it works..

I'm currently a Costume Design & Making student at AUCB & that's as far as it goes. What I want to do & where I'll end up has a mind of its own. I'm only a first year (although this year has gone ridiculously quick!) so there's plenty of time to sort myself out. Hoping this will help organise my thoughts & keep myself on track, make me actually think about my research a bit more.

Right now, I have no real direction. I'm drifting.